State Institution "Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine" (IEG) is the leading scientific organization in Ukraine on problems of ecological and radiation safety that is closely cooperates with many scientific centers in Ukraine and abroad.
Institute is an assignee of State Scientific Center of Environmental Radiogeochemistry and Metallogeny department of Institute of Geochemistry, Minarallogy and Oreformation of National Academy of Science of Ukraine. Beginning with 2004 the Institute enters into the Department of Nuclear Physics and Energy of National Academy of Science of Ukraine. The Institute staff caries out fundamental and applied research in the sphere of:
- Geochemistry, radiogeochemistry and cosmochemistry;
- Technogenic-ecological safety;
- Oreformation and mineralogy;
- Scientific accompaniment of nuclear fuel cycle;
- Mathematic modeling and forecast of natural-technogenic processes;
- Instrument-making in the sphere of nuclear, radiation and ecological safety.
Structure of the Institute consists on 6 scientific departments and one section with three laboratories.
The working stuff of the Institute consists on nearly 200 people, among which there are 16 Doctors of Science (including 3 Corresponding Members of National Academy of Science of Ukraine) and 45 Ph.D.
On the base of the Institute function:
- thee cost-accounting enterprises Kyiv scientific-production association "Ecological technologies and standards", State scientific-production enterprise" and State enterprise "Ecoinform";
- two special Scientific Councils that have right to hold the protection of doctoral and Ph.D thesis on geological sciences, and also postgraduate and doctoral studies;
- Interdepartmental Scientific Counsel on problems of radioactive wastes (RW) treatment and Committee on meteorites at department of sciences about the Earth;
- scientific-social organization, Ukrainian department of international community "Human Ecology";
- subdivision of the Ecology Department of National Aviation University of MES of Ukraine department of ecology common with Institute of Land Management and Information Technologies at National Aviation University;
- Center of collective use of unique scientific devices of National Academy of Science of Ukraine "Mineralogical and geochemical investigations".
The Institute has State license of geological, hydrogeological, engineer-geological, ecology-geological and laboratory works.
Laboratory base of the Institute has State accreditation. It includes complex of analytical equipment for analysis of toxic, heavy and radioactive elements. Radiogeochemical and geochemical laboratories have state accreditation.
Since 2000 the Annual of scientific works of Institute of Environmental Geochemistry National Academy of Science and the Ministry of Ukraine is published in two editions per year and is a specialized edition that submitted in the list of the Supreme Certification Committee of Ukraine - geological sciences.
Institute is the main organization in Ukraine on studying of problems of radioactive wastes treatment and rehabilitation of polluted territories. Coordination activity on these problems is provided according to complex program of radioactive wastes treatment.
The head of the Institute is Corresponding Member of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Doctor of Engineering Sciences Georgii V. Lysychenko.