Contact Information

State Institution 'The Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine'
34а Palladin ave.
Kyiv-142, 03680
Phone: (38-044) 423-81-35, 424-11-41
Fax: (38-044) 424-00-60
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Name Position Phone
Georgiy V. Lysychenko Director 0(44) 424-00-60
Yuriy O. Olkhovyk Deputy director on scientific work, 0(44) 423-81-35
Tamara M. Konovalenko Deputy Director for General Affairs 0(44) 424-9851
Natalya A. Borodina Scientific secretary 0(44) 424-11-41
Sergiy M. Chechuga Chief Engineer; Head of the Service department (38-044) 424-10-41
Vira P.Semenenko Head of the Cosmoecology and Cosmomineralogy department (38-044) 424-04-41
Valentin V. Verkhovtsev Head of the Special Metallogeny department (38-044) 424-12-15
Victor V. Dolin Head of the Biogeochemistry department (38-044) 502-12-25
Rudolf Y. Belevtsev Head of the Geospheres Thermodynamics department (38-044) 424-13-70
Yuriy L. Zabulonov Head of the Nuclear-Physical Technologies department (38-044) 502-12-23
Yuriy M. Demikhov Head of the Laboratory of Isotope Geochemistry (38-044) 424-80-94
Borys G. Shabalin Head of the dept of Nuclear Geochemistry and Space Chemistry (38-044) 424-12-15
Victor G. Yatsenko Head of the Mineral-petrographical laboratory (38-044) 424-02-70
Alexandr P. Fesay Acting head of the Laboratory of environmental technologies and innovations 0(44) 502-12-23