Announced a competition for the vacant position of senior associate

Announced a competition for the vacant position of senior associate (PhD) Department issues ekolohichnoyiyi security control "IEG NAS of Ukraine."

Deadline to June 10, 2013.


The conference will be held in Sevastopol c 4th to 7th June 2013.

Link to the conference:

The conference "Problems of Ecological and Nuclear Safety of Fuel-Power Complex Objects"

The conference "PROBLEMS of ECOLOGICAL and NUCLEAR SAFETY of FUEL-POWER COMPLEX OBJECTS" was held by Institute of Environmental Geochemistry NAS an ME of Ukraine on 27-29 of November, 2007 in Kyiv. Such institutions as Ministry of Fuel and Power of Ukraine, Ministry of Ukraine on Emergencies and Affairs of Population Protection from the Consequences of Chornobyl Catastrophe, Ministry of Environment Protection of Ukraine, Pukhov Institute for Modeling in Energy Engineering of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Scientific-Technical Union of Powermen and Electricians of Ukraine, Ukrainian Ecological Association "Zeleniy Mir" took part in the conference organization.

The themes of conference were:

  1. Technogenic-ecological safety of the Nuclear Power Industry objects
    • Perspectives of the mineral and raw material base development in the Nuclear Power Industry and problems of technogenic-ecological safety of the mining and reprocessing objects;
    • Complex ecological monitoring, nuclear and radiation safety of Nuclear Power Plants;
    • Problems of radioactive wastes treatment.
  2. Technogenic-ecological safety of the Heat Power Industry objects
    • Problem of the raw material base development in the Heat Power Industry;
    • Monitoring and problem of technogenic-ecological safety of the Heat Power Industry objects (including their negative impact on atmospheric air, surface and underground waters, soil and biota);
    • Complex treatment of Heat Power Industry wastes and the ways of their minimization.
  3. Technogenic-ecological safety of the Hydropower Industry objects
  4. Technogenic-ecological problems in oil and gas brunch
  5. Technogenic-ecological problems in Alternative Power Industry.

80th birthday of Emlen V. Sobotovych

Scientific community celebrated the 80th birthday of the IEG director, academician of National Academy of Science of Ukraine, Doctor of Geological sciences, Professor, Ukrainian State Prize Laureate (science and technics), honored science Emlen V. Sobotovych. On the occasion of anniversary and for valuable benefit to native science Emlen V. Sobotovych was awarded.