Monographs of the IEG
Monographs published by the IEG at participation of the Institute research workers
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- Category: Monographs of the IEG
1. Geological Sciences. — Кулиш Е.А., Плотников А.В. (Криворожский экономический институт Министерства образования и науки). Геологические факторы экономической ценности железорудных месторождений — (Институт геохимии окружающей среды НАН и МЧС Украины). — Киев, 2005. — 322 с. (19,1 п.л.) — Тираж 360 экз. — ISBN 966-02-3472-4.
Geological peculiarities of iron ores deposits that determine a method of their geological and economic assessment are investigated. Quantitative assessment of geological factors determining the economical value of industrial resources are made. Influence of deviation on determining of geological parameters at exploring and exploitation stages that influence geological and economical indices was established. Geological and economical reassessment of resources deposits was done according to requirements of the world market.
2. Geological Sciences. — Комов И.Л., Кулиш Е.А., Диденко П.И., Шраменко И.Ф., Ищенко А.А., Жовинский Э.Я., Галий С.А. (обидва — ІГМР НАН У), Макаренко Н.Н., Комова В.В., Бурлак А.В., Мозолевский А.И. (КП "Кіровгеологія), Фролов О.С., Садовничий А.А., Зайцевский И.Л., Подвиянюк Р.Б., Коваленко В.Н., Шевченко В.А., Павленко Ю.Н., Писаренко Л.А., Игнатков В.Д., Ковальчук Е.Д. (усі — НВО "Детектор"), Вовнянко Е.К (МОН У). — (Ин-т геохимии окружающей среды НАН и МЧС Украины). — Киев: ЛОГОС, 2005. — 351 с. (25,0 п.л.) — Тираж 300 экз. — ISBN 966-581-578-4.
Methodology of works and results of radon toronometric investigations in the cities Kyiv and Zheltie Vody are presented. The dependence between radon anomaly and territories geological structure is established. According to level of radon danger the mapping and zoning of the the city territories was performed. The detailed investigation of radon and toron spread in the soils and apartments on model areas of the cities Kyiv and Zheltie Vody was carried out. The scientific-methodological approaches for solving of medical-biological and sanitary hygienic problems in assessment of radon-222 impact on an organism are analyzed. The medical-biological data on assessment of educational institutions in the cities Kyiv and Zheltie Vody were obtained. The toxic-hygienic passports of two models of school was developed.
The biochemical and radiobiological investigations of radon-222 metabolism were held. The data on radon-222 distribution in organisms of rats were obtained.
The problems of radon impact minimization in the districts with its increased concentration in apartments, water and building materials were examined.
3. Geological Sciences. — Гурский Д.С. (Государственная геологическая служба Министерства геологии и природных ресурсов Украины), Есипчук К.Е. (ИГМР НАНУ), Калинин В.И. (Государственная геологическая служба Министерства геологии и природных ресурсов Украины), Кулиш Е.А. и др. — Металлические и неметаллические полезные ископаемые Украины. Т. I. Металлические полезные ископаемые. — (Ин-т геохимии, минералогии и рудообразования НАН Украины и геологической секции Украинского государственного ин-та). — Киев—Львов: Изд-во "Центр Европы", 2005. — 784 с. (67,36 усл. п. л.). — Тираж 1000 экз.
Description of metal minerals and the most valuable oredevelopments known on the territory of Ukraine (ferrous metals — iron, manganese, chromium, titanium, vanadium; base metals — aluminum, magnesium, nickel, cobalt, copper, lead and zinc; less-common metal — lithium, rubidium, cesium, beryllium, tantalum, niobium, scandium, germanium, tin, tungsten, molybdenum, mercury, stibium, bismuth, zirconium, hafnium and titanium; nouble metals — gold, silver and platinum metals; radioactive elements — uranium) is given in the monograph. In geological outline the characteristic of basic structural and tectonic regions of Ukraine is given. Among these regions are Ukrainian shield, Volyno-Podils'ka plate, Dnieper-Donetsk cavity, Donetsk rugosity, Carpathian Mts and Crimea. The monograph is concluded with big part considering the metalogeny of Ukrainian shield as well as evolution of oreformation in the earth's crust of Ukraine.
4. Historical and Geological Sciences. — Алексеев А.Ю. (Государственный Эрмитаж), Боковенко Н.А. (Институт истории материальной культуры РАН). Васильев С.С. (Физико-технический институт им. Иоффе РАН), Дергачев В.А. (Физико-технический институт им. Иоффе РАН), Зайцева Г.И. (Институт истории материальной культуры РАН), Ковалюх Н.Н., Кук Г. (Шотладский научный институт, реакторный центр. Глазго), ван дер Плихт X. (Университет Гронингена, Нидерланды). Посснерт Г. (Университет Упсалы, Швеция) Семенцов А.А. (Институт истории материальной культуры РАН), Скотт Е.М. (Университет Глазго, Великобритания). Чугунов К.В. (Государственный Эрмитаж). Евразия в скифскую эпоху: радиоуглеродная и археологическая хронология. — (Институт истории материальной культуры РАН). — Санкт-Петербург: ТЕЗА, 2005. — 361 с. (30 ум. др. арк.). — Наклад 500 прим. — ISBN 5-201-01234-5.
The given book describes problems of Eurasian Scythia monuments' chronology. For chronological reconstruction the data of naturally-scientific methods (radiocarbon and dendrochronology) as well as archeological data were used. The book's authors are specialists in different fields: archeology, physics, mathematics. Theoretical questions of radiocarbon and dendrochronology methods are considered. The data of radiocarbon and dendrochronology of Eurasian monuments of the Scythian period were generalized. The complete list of radiocarbon dates of Eurasian Scythia monuments is presented.
The book could be interesting for explorers, archeologists, historians and teachers.
5. Geological, Geographical, Biological, Chemical and other Sciences. — Соботович Е.В., Довгий С.О., Лисенко О.Б. Экологическая энциклопедия. — (Ин-т геохимии окружающей среды НАН и МЧС Украины). — Киев: ЛОГОС, 2005. — 720 с. (61,9 усл. печ. л.). — Тираж 250 экз. — ISBN 966-581-648-9.
Ecological encyclopedia serves as information edition containing more then 5000 issues on all brunches of ecology (bioecology, geoecology and geographical ecology, chemical ecology, military ecology, socioecology), environmental impact assessment, ecological legislation, state and international ecological policy, nature management, nature protection and other. Encyclopedia contains 279 colored pictures and 51 tables.
For research workers, publishers, radio and television, lecturers, teachers and for readers that are interested in ecology.
6. Economic and Sociological Sciences. — Богачов О.С., Борисюк М.М., Ємельянов В.О., Лисиченко Г.В., Медведенко І.В., Павленко В.П., Соботович Е.В., Тищенко Ю.Є. Стратегічні напрями переходу України на засади сталого розвитку в контексті її інтеграції до Європейського співтовариства (науково-методичне видання) / Під. ред. Е.В. Соботовича. — (ІГНС НАН та МНС України). — К.: "Салютіс", 2005. — 44 с. (3 ум. друк. арк.). — Наклад 500 прим. — ISBN 966-02-36-95-6.
The conceptual regulations for transition of Ukraine to sustainable development that take into account modern state and perspectives in development of socio-economic and natural resource potential of our country are presented in the issue. Main principles of new state policy, directions and mechanisms of step-by-step legislative guarantee for transition to sustainable development realization are discovered. Introduction of sustainable development strategic tasks in legislative sphere of the state will benefit to life quality of present and future generation by economic growth, providing of social standards, solving of protection problems and rational resource using.
For people's deputies, officials, civil servants, scientists, lecturers, student and those who are interested in problems of sustainable development and nature protection.