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- Category: Monographs of the IEG
1. Geological Sciences. — Антропов В.М. (ДСП "Комплекс"), Белєвцев Р.Я., Бойко Л.М., Бондар Ю.В., Бондаренко Г.М., Бухал А.В., Бухарєв В.П., Вовк І.Ф. (МАГАТЕ), Глеваський Є.Б., Долін В.В., Дубчак С.В., Дудар Т.В., Єпатко Ю.М., Жебровська К.І., Забулонов Ю.Л., Злобенко Б.П., Ковалюх М.М., Коваль В.Б., Кононенко Л.В., Крамар О.О., Куліш Є.О., Лисенко О.Б., Лисиченко Г.В., Нагорський В.О., Олександрова Н.В., Пушкарьов О.В., Радчук В.В., Садолько І.В., Семенюк М.П., Скаржинський О.В., Скворцов В.В., Скворцов Д.В., Скрипкін В.В., Соботович Е.В., Степанов В.О., Сущик Ю.Я., Чебаненко С.І. (ІГМР НАН України), Шабалін Б.Г., Шраменко І.Ф. Чорнобильська катастрофа — 20 років: участь Інституту геохімії навколишнього середовища в подоланні наслідків / За ред. Е.В. Соботовича, Г.М. Бондаренка, Г.В. Лисиченка. — /Ін-т геохімії навколишнього середовища НАН та МНС України/. — К.: Салютіс, 2006. — 408 с. (47,43 ум. др. арк.) — Наклад 300 прим. — ISBN 978-966-96903-0-2.
This monograph covers participation of scientists and specialists of the Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of NAS and MES of Ukraine in minimization of ChNPP accident consequences within a period of 1986-1987 and further research regarding management of radioactive waste originated from Chornobyl, radioecological monitoring, decontamination and autorehabilitation of radioactively contaminated territories of Ukraine. A variety of documents and photographs, which demonstrate participation of certain sub-departmental units and personnel of the Institute in the post-accidental-period works, is represented. Presented here are the lists of workers (in the course of ChNPP accident — employees of the Institute of Geochemistry and Physics of Minerals of the Academy of Sciences of URSR) — ChNPP accident's immediate participants liquidators and enumeration of research works executed by the Institute since 1986 up to now.
This monograph is intended for specialists, historiographers as well as for a wide range of readers.
2. Geological Sciences. — Комов І.Л. (ІГНС НАН та МНС України) Радиационная минералогия и геохимия / За ред. Є.О. Куліша та Г.Т. Остапенка. — /Ін-т геохімії навколишнього середовища НАН та МНС України/. — К.: Наук. думка, 2006. — 440 с. (27,0 ум. друк. арк.). — Наклад 300 прим. — ISBN 966-00-0760-4.
In the monograph the results of scientific investigations in the field of Radiation Mineralogy and Geochemistry are represented. General data about influence of natural and artificial irradiation on minerals are stated. The material on investigation of color centers and analysis of real minerals structure by irradiation is generalized. It is shown that influence of radiation on internal structure of minerals allows to obtain various genetic information. The recommendations for using of this data at searching of minerals, assessment of raw materials quality, burial of radioactive wastes and struggle against radiological terrorism are given. Advantages of the radiation nanotechnologies are stated.
3. Geological Sciences. — Комов І.Л., Куліш Є.О. (ІГНС НАН та МНС України) Неметаллические полезные ископаемые (ресурсы, оценка, комплексное использование) / За ред. Є.Ф. Шнюкова. — /Ін-т геохімії навколишнього середовища НАН та МНС України/. — К.: ІГНС НАН та МНС України, 2007. — 501 с. (42 друк. арк.). Наклад 300 прим. — ISBN 966-00-0867-7.
The monograph represents the results of scientific researches and contains generalized data about deposits of nonmetal minerals. The assessment methods, characteristic of physical and chemical properties of nonmetal minerals deposits are given. The data on their target use in production of agricultural and industrial production, creation of scientific technologies and obtaining of construction materials are given. The book contains the information about mineral composition of individual deposits that are typical representatives of the main world-wide geological and genetic types. The data about concrete standard deposits and ores' mineral and chemical composition are pointed out. This information is essential at complex use of these objects and is considered during geological and economic assessment of deposits. The methods of raw material elevation and changes of its physical, chemical and technical properties under influence of g-irradiation are characterized. The book composition corresponds to nomenclature of non-metal minerals in general systematization of raw material and singles out deposits of minerals, crystals, chemical elements and their compounds and rock according to main field of use.
4. Geological Sciences. — Куліш Є.О. (ІГНС НАН та МНС України), Нирков Є.А. (Південний науковий центр Россійської академії наук, Новочеркаський політехнічний інститут) Топоминералогия и прогнозно-поисковая модель вольфрамового оруденения Кавказа /за ред. В.М. Воєводіна. — /Ін-т геохімії навколишнього середовища НАН та МНС України/. — К.: Логос, 2007. — 255 с. (21,25 ум. друк. арк.). — Наклад 300 прим. — ISBN 978-966-02-4360-6.
The units of tungsten mineralization of the North Caucasus including the largest Tirniauzskoye and Kti-Teberdinskoye deposits were studied. The age scheme of the synchronization of the processes of Phanerozoic tungsten mineralization within spatially separated tungsten mineralizated units was made on the base of mineral-paragenetic analysis. Mineral-geochemical features and genetic relationship of tungsten deposits of different formations were revealed. The data on typomorphism of scheelite, its minerals-satellites and their mineral associations were given Leading role of synore silica-alkaline metasomatosis and development of scheelite-feldspar-quartz aggregates connected with it was determined. It was established that evolution topomineralogy of mineral associations reflects spatial-age development of the ore formation processes and serves as the base element of prospecting-estimation model for large scale and local prognosis of tungsten mineralization.
5. Geological Sciences. — Куліш Є.О., Покалюк В.В., Яценко В.Г. (ІГНС НАН та МНС України) Петрохимия раннепротерозойских метакластолитов нижней свиты Кривбасса в связи с условиями их седиментации /за ред. Є.Б. Глеваського. — /Ін-т геохімії навколишнього середовища НАН та МНС України/. — К.: Логос, 2007. — 76 с. (4,4 ум. друк. арк.). — Наклад 300 прим. — ISBN 978-966-02-4360-6.
Petrochemical features of Early Proterozoic metaclastolites of the Lower terrigenous suite of Krivoy Rog metamorphic series was analyzed by many measured statistics (factor analysis) methods. Fourteen petrochemical lithotypes, characterising all totality of terrigenous rocks of the suite are separated and described. Separated petrochemical lithotypes are regarded from the point of view of lithology and facial accummulation conditions. The average composition of petrochemical groups is given on formation and subformation level. Connection of petrochemical rock features, tectonic and facial sedimentation conditions was analyzed. Combined analysis of the meanings of different moduluses with using the data about middle compositions on main stratigraphic levels, permitted in some or another grade estimate petrochemical evolution of the terrigenous series of the sediments of the scelevatskaya suite within vertical section and along to paleofacial profile.
6. Geological Sciences. — Белевцев Р.Я., Бойченко С.Г. (Ін-т геофізики НАН України), Спивак С.Д., Николаенко В.И., Волощук В.М. (Укр. НДІ гідромет.), Дудко В.С., Блажко В.И, Ковалюх Н.Н., Кузенко С.В., Курлов Н.С. (Криворізька геологорозвідувальна експедиція Мінекології), Самчук А.И., Козак С.А. (ІГМР НАН України), Высотенко О.А. Термодинамика газового обмена в окружающей среде / Под ред. Р.Я. Белевцева. — /Ін-т геохімії навколишнього середовища НАН та МНС України/. — К.: Наук. думка, 2007. — 248 с. (15,5 ум-др.арк.). — Наклад 300 прим. — ISBN 978-966-00-0662-1.
The monograph represents thermodynamic and static analysis of geochemical processes in environment (soil, plants, atmosphere, underground and surface waters, heavy and radioactive metals under influence of natural and technogenic factors) based on experimental data. The evolution of gas exchange, free oxygen and carbon dioxide in environment beginning with Precambrian Period till now was observed. The script of green-house gases century course in aatmosphere is proposed. The age of physical and chemical conditions of modern hypergenic and soil formation processes is defined. New genetic model of large uranium deposits in Ukrainian shield is proposed. The impact character of modern power industry on environment and conditions of long-living radioactive wastes safe isolation in crystal range are considered.
For specialists engaged in geochemistry, thermodynamics, geology and environmental climatology.
7. Geological Sciences. — Азаров Н.Я., Анциферов А.В., Шеремет Е.М., Глевасский Е.Б. (ІГНС НАН та МНС України), Есипчук К.Е (ІГМР НАН України), Кулик С.Н., Журахович Т.К., Пигулеский П.И., Николаев Ю.И., Николаев И.Ю. Сетая Л.Д., Захаров В.В., Курлов Н.К. Геолого-геофизическая модель Криворожско-Кременчугской шовной зоны Украинского щита / За ред. А.В. Анциферова — /УкрНІМІ НАН України/. — К.: Наук. думка, 2006. — 197 с. (19 ум. друк. арк.). — Наклад 300 прим. — ISBN 966-00-0700-0.
Monograph continues the set of works on study of structure, formation and development of the most important structures of Ukrainian shield — joint zones. With position of plate tectonics theory the model of Krivorozhyan-Kremenchug interblocks joint zone was developed on the base of complex analysis of geological and geophysical information. In result of experimental observations of the Earth's natural electromagnetic fields the Kirovograd anomaly of high electroconductivity was discovered. The dimensional model of geoelectric parameters distribution is presented. In the frames of accepted tectonic connections the given zone is an element of structure located on boarder of Epiarchaean Srednepridnestrovskiy and Proterozoy Ingulskiy (Kirovogradskiy) blocks.
8. Geological Sciences. — Шумлянський В.О. (Ін-т фундаментальних досліджень Української наукової асоціації), Макаренко М.М. (Казенне підприємство "Кіровгеологія"), Колябіна І.Л. (ІГНС НАН та МНС України), Субботін А.Г. (ІГН НАН України) та ін. Моніторинг природного середовища після добування урану способом підземного вилуговування / За ред. В.О. Шумлянського. — /Інститут фундаментальних досліджень Української наукової асоціації, м. Київ/. — К.: Логос, 2007. — 212 с. (11,43 ум. др. арк.). — Наклад 300 прим. — ISBN
The computer models of infiltration uranium oreformation physical and chemical processes in эоценовом water horizon of Devladovskiy deposit, uranium underground leaching through wells and underground waters selfrestoration during 1983-2005 are examined in the monograph. The monitoring data of underground waters of producing horizon and set of maps representing distribution of underground waters polluting substances for the years 1982, 1991, 1997, 2005 are presented. The computer modeling for changes dynamics of residual solution and holding rocks of producing horizon is presented. The period of underground waters selfrestoration regarding separate polluting components is determined. The monograph will be interesting for specialists engaged in hydrobiology, ecology, underground leaching and students of corresponding specialties.
9. Geological Sciences. — Шульга В.Ф. (Ин-т геологических наук НАН Украины), Здановски А., Зайцева Л.Б., Маничев В.И. (ИГОС НАН и МЧС Украины) и др. Корреляция карбоновых угленосных формаций Львовско-Волынского и Люблинского бассейнов / За ред. В.Ф. Шульги. — /Ін-т геологічних наук НАН України/. — К.: Логос, 2007. — 256 с. (13,8 ум. друк. арк.). — Наклад 300 прим. — ISBN 978-966-585-054-0.
The monograph considers the correlation results for the Carboniferous coal-bearing formations of the Lviv-Volyn and Lublin Basins. The works have been carried out as a common inter-state Polish-Ukrainian project. Proceeding from an integral analysis of historical-geological data, the coal-bearing sediments are dissected litho-, chrono- and biostratigraphically; the features of the lithological and facial composition are recognized as well as those of the structure, coal presence, and forming conditions of the coal-bearing formations and subformations (genetic associations); promises of coalfields within the boundary territory between Ukraine and Poland are discussed. The monograph is the first study of such the kind for the coal-bearing formations of the Lviv-Volyn and Lublin Basins.
For a wide community of experts who deal with scientific studies, search, prospecting, and commercial development of the coal fields of the Lviv-Lublin Basin.
10. Geological Sciences. — Самчук А.І., Кураєва І.В., Єгоров О.С. (усі — ІГМР НАН України), Манічев В.Й. (ІГНС НАН та МНС України), Стадник В.О., Строй А.М., Красюк О.П., Худайкулова О.О., Огар Т.В., Білик В.В., Батієвський Б.О. (усі — ІГМР НАН України) Важкі метали у ґрунтах Київського Полісся та Київського мегаполісу. — К.: Наук. думка, 2006. — 108 с. (6,7 ум. друк. арк.). — Наклад 300 прим. — ISBN 966-00-0805-8.
The monograph represents the results of investigation of microelements distribution in soils of forest and meadow landscapes of Ukrainian Polissya and Kyiv urban landscapes. The main ecological and geochemical criteria of landscapes stability are discussed. The rate of heavy metal movement in soils of Ukrainian Polissya is defined. The molecular-colloid model of microelements mobile forms formation in soils is proposed. Hydrochemical investigations of subsoil and underground waters in industrial regions of Kyiv are described.
11. Nuclear Physics. — Норми і правила з ядерної і радіаційної безпеки. НП 306.4.133-2007. Загальні положення забезпечення безпеки захоронення радіоактивних відходів у геологічних сховищах / Соботович Е.В., Спасова Л.В., Злобенко Б.П. та ін. — К.: Державний комітет ядерного регулювання. — 2007. — 29 с. (українською та російською мовами).
These General positions are developed in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine "About radioactive wastes treatment" and "About order of decision making in arrangement, designing and construction of nuclear installations and objects assigned for radioactive wastes treatment, that posses State importance".
The general positions establish main criteria, requirements and conditions for providing of nuclear and radioactive safety at burial of radioactive wastes. According to Ukrainian legislation such wastes are subjected to burial in stable geological formations (geological depots) at all stages of depot lifecycle with the purpose of personnel and environment protection.