Тектоника, металлогения, минеральные ресурсы. Сборник науч. раб. ИГОС НАН и МЧС Украины. Вып. 11. Том I — 198 с., т.II — 201 с. Главный редактор Е.А. Кулиш. — Киев, 2005. — 399 с. (русс.; укр.)

Collected articles is dedicated to the memory of professor G.I. Kalyaev — an outstanding geologist, practical worker and scientist, enriched geology with fundamental scientific works and fruitful ideas in many directions: tectonics, metallogeny, ore formation, mineral resources. In the articles represented in this collection, G.I. Kalyaev's pupils, colleagues and followers render a deep respect to him as a talented and many-sided geologist.